API Reference

The generative answer process within the Ask-AI API is managed through a state machine mechanism that begins once a question is submitted via the External Ask endpoint and if expect_direct_answer is True.

Flow Diagram


  1. After calling External Ask, is_answerable will be False and the status will be: PENDING
  2. Generative answer starts. is_answerable will be False and status will be RUNNING
  3. If the generative models successfully generate an answer:
    1. is_answerable will be True and the status will be RUNNING and the answer will begin to be populated with generated content
    2. Once the generative answer will be done, the status will be DONE and the is_answerable will be true
  4. Else (generative answer model is not able to generate an answer):
    1. The is_answerable will be False and the status will be: DONE

Understanding the States

  1. PENDING: The question is queued and awaiting processing.
  2. RUNNING: Active processing is underway to generate an answer.
  3. DONE: The process has concluded. The is_answerable flag indicates whether an answer was successfully generated.
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